高中英语短文改错 one day,the mother rat and her babies were having been
高中英语短文改错 one day,the mother rat and her babies were having been
one day,the mother rat and her babies were having been a good time in te open air when a female cat came to catch them for his dinner.the mother rat noticed the cat coming nearly so she and her babies all tried to run away at once .they hurried to their home ,that was under a tree .but the baby rats were frightened .they couldn't run very fast .the cat came closer and closer and would come to them .just at that moment,the mother rat stopped running ,turning around and shouted the cat,"bowwow.bowwow!" just like an angry dog.the cat was very surprised and afraid that she runs away .the mother rat turned to her baby ,"now you see how important it is to learn the second language!"
更正在括号处标出,总共十处错误,保证答案准确率! One day, (the改成a) mother rat and her babies were having (去掉been) a good time in the open air when a female cat came to catch them for (his改成her 或...
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