1.l do not feel like eating anything.(同意句)
1.l do not feel like eating anything.(同意句)
2.Paul says that new cars are not as good as old cars.(同意句)
3.Huck found a watch lying on the ground.(同意句)
4.Joe sat in the chair and went to sleep.(同意句)
5.Jennifre believed him.
6.The reporter is one of my friends.
7.To find a good job is not easy.
8.lf you do work hard,you will not pass the exam.
9.You do not need the address.(同意句)
I wouldn't like to eat anything.Paul says that new cars are bader than old cars.Huck found that there was a watch lying on the ground.Joe sat in the chair going to sleep.Jennifire believed what he sai...
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