please give me two passages about Christmas in English
please give me two passages about Christmas in English
1.December 25th is the day Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus,known as Christmas.From December 24 to January 6 next year as the Christmas festival.During the holiday season,Christians in the country have held a grand ceremony.Originally,Christmas is a Christian holiday,because of people's attention,it has become a national festival.Western countries is the most magnificent festival of 2001,and New Year's analogy,like our New Year.Westerners with red,green and white color of Christmas color Christmas comes to every household decorated with Christmas color.Christmas with Christmas flowers and red candles.Green is a Christmas tree.It is the main Christmas decorations,and the felling of fir,Bo was a decorated evergreen tree from the tower.Hanging above the colorful lanterns,gifts and paper flowers,candles lit with Christmas.Within the red and white Santa Claus,he is the most popular figures in the Christmas activities.Children in the West before Christmas Eve,just before going to sleep,adjacent to the fireplace before putting a pillow or socks waiting for Santa Claus after the gifts in their sleep with socks on.In the West,it is a custom to play Santa Claus.
2.Christmas by the birthday of Jesus to study the origins of Christmas campaign is going.In fact,no data are available.Why should December 25 for Christmas?This is the church in the middle of the fifth century.AD 354,"Feiluoka even" calendar is the first state Christ's birthday on December 25.5 of this century,the West generally accepted date for Christmas
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