domestic/foreign/alien 区别
domestic/foreign/alien 区别
1.private co.--attempts to earn a satisfactory profit(那就是私有的公司咯?)
2.public--owned and run by the government (go public不是上市公司吗?可是按照这个英文,应该是国有才对?矛盾?)
3.closed --stock held by only a few onwers and not actively sold on the stock market(未上市公司?不懂) --stock held by numerous people and actively sold on the stock market (上市公司?)
5.municipal-- cities and townships that carry out business(市政企业?)
6.domestic--incorporated in one province or country and doing busuness within that province or country (省内企业?有够奇怪的)
7.foreign--incorporated in one province or country and doing business in abother province or country (到底是省内企业还是国内企业?)
8.alien--incorporated in one nation and operating in another nation (和foreign有什么区别?)
9.nonprofit--service organization incorporated for limited-liability status(这个我知道,非盈利的嘛~)
1 私营公司
2 public limited company (plc) n.股票上市公司
3 私有公司由一定数量的个人控股的公司,不能通过证券交易所交易.
Privately-owned CorporationA company whose stock is held by a limited number of individuals and cannot be bought or sold through a stock exchange
4 公有公司股票在证交所上市的公司,通常有大量私人股东.
Publicly-owned CorporationA company whose stock is listed on a stock exchange and is usually owned by a large number of individual shareholders.
5 是地方性的企业
6 domestic是国内的意思吧 坐飞机的时候可以经常看见这个词
7 外资公司的意思 跨省或城市经营
8 也是外资公司 和上面的区别是 跨国经营
9 非营利性公司 你说的很对
我是学国际贸易专业的 目前就接触了点商务英语
希望帮的到你 西西~~~~
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