The distillation equipment is evacuated,then filled with nitrogen.Then the
crude p-Fluorobenzylamine is filled in.After distillation the equipment
vacuum is broken with nitrogen which is free of oxygen or with Argon.
The drums must have closure systems which are gas tight.
The factory should construct a cylinder which has a rubber gasket at one end
with a diameter bigger then the nozzle of the drum.On the other side it has
a stuffing box with a drum key which holds the stopper.Like a screwdriver
going through a stuffing box.This cylinder has a small valve for Argon.
The empty drums are filled with Argon.Then the pure p-Fluorobenzylamine is
filled in.When drum is full,the cylinder is pressed over the nozzle and
slight over pressure of Argon is applied.Then the drum key which holds the
stopper is pushed down and the stopper is screwed into the nozzle.The drum
should now hold a slight over pressure of Argon.
蒸馏设备撤离,然后填充氮气.那么原油的P - fluorobenzylamine是填平后,蒸馏设备真空被打破,与氮,这是免费的氧气或氩.钢桶必须有封闭系统,其中主要是天然气紧张.工厂应兴建一个缸,其中有一个橡胶垫片在一端一个直径越...