My Future英语作文
My Future英语作文
I am sure my future will be full of good prospects.What a sublime work as a teacher,you see.A common saying says "peaches and plums are all over the world" ,which a teacher wins for his educational achievement.I wish I would become a teacher at a middle school to win such a prise.However,quite many parents like their children to choose other works before teaching at school,while they expect them to take up favorable education.I don't agree with them.Each time I hear some personality is thankful to his or her initial teacher for what he or she hac come under the influence of the teacher,I am determined ever more to answer our motherland's call to be a teacher in my future to love my pupils and bring up them into hopeful persons with ability.By then,I am certain to have much more pupils who will spread at the every corner and to contribute their abilities and wisdom to our coutry.
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