It reminds me of case that I was in difficulties and I always avoid facing the thing that I have not enough confidence to finish.In a word,I always shrink back when facing difficulties.For example,these day of prepared for CET-3,I had a plan for myself everyday,include before sleep and after wake up,but I have not beaten my sleepiness in night.And I should have got up early to memorize words,but it was so cold that I was unwilling to do it.I always can’t be like Forrest Gump,who can always run ahead of difficulties when meeting them.I shall tell myself that I should run as Forrest Gump.
It reminds me that I was in difficulties and I used to avoid facing things that I have not enough confidence to complete. In a word, I always shrank back when facing difficulties. For example, during the days of preparing CET-3, I had a plan for myself, including studying before and after sleep. However, I had not conquered my sleepiness at night. I should have got up early to memorize words, but it was so cold that I was unwilling to do it. I always can’t be like Forrest Gump, who can always run ahead of difficulties when meeting them. I shall tell myself that I should always run like Forrest Gump.
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