What do you think life will be l_______ in the future?I don’t think we will have to do some unpleasant h_______ at home.Because r_______ can help us .For example,they will help us cook.The food they cook will be healthier and more d_______ .We will fall in love w_______ such food.Then we will spend more time r_______ books which can made sound.We will o_______ need to listen to them.
A new kind of c_______ will be made.They will be warm in winter and cool in summer.We can fly freely in space like a___n____ astronaut to any planet in this kind of clothes.Rockets will probably become very common transportation.
S___ome____ are making science develop faster and faster.They predict that our life will be better and better.I believe the prediction will come true soon.
What do you think life will be l_______ in the future?I don’t think we will have to do some unpleasant h_______ at home.Because r_______ can help us .For example,they will help us cook.The food they ...
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