你是希望邀请许多人举行一个大party还是只邀请closed friends and family members 举行小party,怎么写?

你是希望邀请许多人举行一个大party还是只邀请closed friends and family members 举行小party,怎么写?

你是希望邀请许多人举行一个大party还是只邀请closed friends and family members 举行小party,怎么写?
As the world moves into a new era of globalization and the rapid progress of our economy,party plays a more and more imporant role in China.Many people prefer to hold big parties for make friends whereas I think small parties participated by closed friends and family members are more comfortable for a couple of reasons.
To start with,we could have a deep talk with our friends since everyone is pursuing their own ideals in their daily life,thus the party time seems more important for us to exchange our feelings and enhance our friendship between each other.For instance,my close friend and I always talk about our rencent perspections of life during the party because it really provide us a private time during a private party.However,we will be interrupted by others if in a big party where so many people we are not familiar with.
What is more,in a private small part,the food is always available since there are few people share the food.Also,the food will be to the tastes of everyone since the guests are my closed friends or my family members.For example,one of my friend Lily who is an animal protectionism and most of our family members are vegetarian,thus in my party the meat is always not available.
In addition,a private small party will avoid accidents such as unnecessary quarrel or a slip by over crowded.A study carried by a group of scientists showed that the possibility of accidents in a big party is 80 percentage while in a small party is 0.5 percentage.
Admittedly,a big party will help us make new friends who will help us during our futher life.However,we make friend not only for their help in our personal life but also communications between heart and heart.
From the above analysis,we can conclude that a private small party outweights the big party.


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