以下有八个主题,求写8篇短文1.Ask your friend about his/her plans for the weekend.Then suggest playing a certain kind of sport.2.It has been pouring for the past week.Describe to your friend how you feel about the wretched weather.Then say how much you hope to see a sunny day.3.It is Sunday and you and your friend want to eat out.Discuss what kind of food you want to eat,traditional Chinese food or American-style fast food.Both of you must give reason(s) for your choice(s).
4.Suppose you are a doctor and your partner is a patient,who has felt tired and weak for a month.Ask your patient about his or her symptoms and prescribe medication and offer some advice.
5.The type of music/song/singer/composer/instrument you and your partner prefer.Discuss the reason why you like it.
6.Your friend is wearing a necklace/tie/scarf/blouse/shirt he or she received as a birthday gift.It is in fashion.Say how good it looks on him or her.7.Ask your partner what he/she thinks is the mos
1)Ask your friend about his/her plans for the weekend. Then suggest playing a certain kind of sport:A: Hey there! Wow it has been a long time since i last met you! B: Yupp. How are you nowadays? A: We...
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