The power of Chinese
2008 is special year.At China,this year in many important events happen.Heartrending ice disaster,earthquake,Peking the Olympics,absolute being of excited public seven fly a day,all make the person hard to forget.In this year in,we felt the encouragement,warmth which comes from all directions,felt the strength which comes from 1,300,000,000 Chinese.On May 12,2008,Wen Chuan in Sichuan took place an inside a surname 8.0 classes of especially heavy earthquake,whole world for it shock,but Chinese is to have to very and strongly coagulate dint,again big of the difficulty can't also vanquish us.Harmed a member to get to save to cure under our effort,the disaster area people got a setting,a tumble down of the several-storied building stood to get up again."1 again great difficulty,in addition to with 1,300,000,000,will also become very small;1 again small strength,multiply 1,300,000,000,also huge."The strength in China is endless,Chinese of the strength be the most strong.I am a Chinese but feel proud for myself.
- 鲁宾逊漂流记精彩片段,我是要摘抄的,200字到249字之间,多要几个,最好上几十的,
- 爸爸出门购买A,B两种物品.这一天是热卖日,因此A比原先的定价减少了15%,B则比原先的定价减少了12%,总支
- 被动语态造句(10个) 每种时态各造几个!
- 英语翻译
- 写出类似“蜈蚣”的三组形声字
- he just took it 有没有he just made it 的意思?
- Gave up be also left over any翻译
- 解方程:6分之5x=8分之5 5分之4x=12
- 古诗中含着许多“最”,请你写一写例:两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山.
- 写 母爱 作文的开头和结尾.
- 蝂蝜的习题
- 省略号表示的含义,(7个)
- 根据提示分别写出几个相应的成语:夸张,反问回归,顶真.
- 零点八公顷等于多少平方米.
- a平方-4b平方 因式分解
- 提拉绳子中央,绳子重心如何变化
- 英语翻译
- Doing more exercise is good for our health同义句
- 若p:(x-3)(|x|+1)<0,q:|1-x|<2,则p是q的什么条件
- 甲队员打靶五次成绩:7,8,9,9,8.乙队员成绩:6.10,8,9,10.选谁去