differ different 和difference diffeiently在用法上有什么不同?
differ different 和difference diffeiently在用法上有什么不同?
(1) 名词=difference:I can't see any difference 差异 between these two pictures; We had a difference 分歧 of opinion; If you buy it for me I'll give you $6 now and make up the difference later.差额
(2)动词=differ:His story differed 不同 from his mother's in several respects; Her house differs from mine; We differ in both approach and views; I think we will have to agree to differ (意见分歧)
(3) 形容词different:These gloves are not a pair – they're different; My ideas are different from his.a different point of view.=不同的
(4) 副词=differently:Different people are treated differently 不同的待遇 in Russia.
(5) 动词=differentiate:I cannot even differentiate 区别 a blackbird and a starling; She does not differentiate 区分 between her two children although one is adopted
(6) 名词=differentiation:差别;分化;微分法
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