is being a doctor good job?简短的用英语谈谈医生这个职业...谢谢
is being a doctor good job?简短的用英语谈谈医生这个职业...谢谢
Being a doctor is good or not depends on what you want.
Definitly it's a good way to approach to how our body works on. You can easily find out what's wrong and do something good when yourself or your relatives get sick and keep cool rather than being feared because of knowledgeless. Being a doctor means you have a kind of skill which is used to seek for health and benefit yourself forever. However, learning to control these knowledge is also a rough way. It needs you to give out more time and energy. Just as the old words no give no gain.
Of course being a doctor is also a job which someone lives on. Lots of doctors are well paid because of their special knowledges and skills are in sore need by the patients. People are engaged in health no matter how much they spend on it. In a other side, lots of doctors are hard to get a good job because they are not well known and accepted by the people. What a pity.
In China, doctors are working in a dangerous environment. Fighting between doctors and patients is not rarely reported. Even worse, some doctors are attacked by angry patients because they think it is doctors' fault that they don't do their best to cure their diseases. Doctors' image falls from heaven to hell. They are not as respectful as before. They are qusetioned to work for money rather than the gracious belief for human beings' health.
What's more. Being a doctor is a good choice to cheer youself up by healping others achieve the most valuable thing health, a good choice to realize own life value.
In a word, If being a doctor can give you what you want, it is a good job. Otherwise it is not.
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