

Blue planets?Space is not black,but light green,a team of astronomers announced on January 10. They studied the light sent out by 200,000 galaxies. What they found was that the average colour of the universe is a bit greener than turquoise.
The discovery was part of an attempt to test theories about how stars and galaxies form.Most astronomers believe that the universe probably started with a “blue period” when young blue stars filled space.Now the universe is in a “green period”.They believe it will finally enter a “red period” when the older,redder stars appear.
“The reason for the colour changing is that the rate of stars forming is changing,said Ivan Baldry,an astronomer who worked to find the average colour of light in the universe.
Research presented by NASA scientists shows that the highest point of star-forming may have occurred earlier than previously believed.It was probably very soon after the “Big Bang” that many scientists believe gave birth to the universe.
There is no way any human could actually see the green colour.
“The only way to see it is if you saw all the universe from the same distance away and it was not moving,Baldry said.Baldry and his co-worker,Karl Glaze- brook,have both joked about possible marketing opportunities for the new colour.
Perhaps colour-of-the-universe T-shirts or coffee cups could become popular.But Baldry allowed,“I don't know if you can patent a colour,that's not our business.We haven't actually been to a paint shop yet to see if they have a name for this.
1.The astronoments discovered the color of the universe ____
a.when they were researching on the age of the universe )
b.when they attempted to test theories about the forming of stars and galaxies
c.to improve that the universe is continuously changing
d.and showed that the stars and galaxies might have formed earlier than previously believed
2.according to the astronomers,____
a.the universe is change its color all the time
b.all the heavenly bodies are green at present
c.the universe has changed its color several times
d.the universe will finally turn red
选B,D 2题其他项错在哪?


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