A spring afternoon,he comes to the park regularly and comes across
her again,a girl standing under the cherry tree,slim and graceful.Her hair
comes down to her waist,straight and smooth.
He unwinds his left lame leg,moving to the wooden seating slowly.
The spring sunshine,the blue and clear sky,the quite lake and the
beautiful girl standing under the cherry tree.The world as if a beautiful
picture.But he is out of the picture.
Finally,he reaches the seating and sits on it stiffly.
A handsome man comes around her,as if a prince of fairy comes around
the beautiful princess.What does he want to do?Heart beats like a drum.Fortunately,
he finally walks away.
Looking at the left lame leg,he turns his head reluctantly.And thetears drop into the soil.
Holding the handrail tightly,he struggles to stand up.He turnsaround,back to the sunset,
Seeing the long shadow of him,moving up hard and slowly.
“Don’t infe
嗯,那个.在英语里,讲述故事时,要用一般过去时,楼主好像得把全篇都改了A spring afternoon,he comes to the park regularly and comes across这句A spring afternoon前面要用介词The spring sunshine,the blue and cl...
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