请以Don not Hesitate to Say “No”为题,写一篇不少于120字的英语作文
请以Don not Hesitate to Say “No”为题,写一篇不少于120字的英语作文
Parents today are simply afraid to say "no" to their children. What started with "yes" to one request has spiraled out of control. Children today are demanding and expect to hear "yes" to every request. I will teach you to distinguish between a reasonable request and one that is unreasonable.
By giving in to demands we know are unreasonable or not in their best interest we will only encourage more and more of these demands and our kids will not learn what is reasonable. In order for your children to learn that "no" is part of life, you need to break the cycle and start saying "no". And yes, your children will still love you. I will help prepare you with suitable responses for the angry outcries you may hear from your kids after they hear a "no."
We need to recognize that an "I hate you" or a "You're a mean mom" are natural responses that a parent can live through and not reasons for automatically giving in to their kids' demands. Establishing rules and boundaries will not prevent our kids from loving and respecting us!
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