Good afternoon,boys and girls!I have something[ ]you.
This after,we are going to do some[ ]after school.The radio report says it[ ]windy at night,so please do not forget[ ]the doors and windows.The[ ]will fall below zero tomorrow morning.Please remember to put on more[ ]clothes.Mr Wang is ill today.I hope you can[ ]to see him.But you[ ]to buy something for him.By the way,there is a lot of homework for you.You must finish[ ]it and bring it to school tomorrow.You would better[ ]TV this evening.Now,let is begin our cleaing.
所给词是be warm not watch tell not need close clean tempreture do see go open
Good afternoon,boys and girls!I have something[to tell]you.
This after,we are going to do some[cleaning]after school.The radio report says it[will be]windy at night,so please do not forget[to close]the doors and windows.The[tempreture]will fall below zero tomorrow morning.Please remember to put on more[warm]clothes.Mr Wang is ill today.I hope you can[go]to see him.But you[don't need]to buy something for him.By the way,there is a lot of homework for you.You must finish[doing]it and bring it to school tomorrow.You would better[not watch]TV this evening.Now,let is begin our cleaing.
所给词是剩余 see open
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