中译英 急 有关税收
中译英 急 有关税收
建设小康社会、构建和谐地税要求税务部门切实遵循 “法治、公平、文明、效益”的新时期治税思想,建立科学严密的税收征税体系,实现税务管理由“粗放型”向“集约型”的转变,把降低税收成本与提高征税效益列为深化税收征税改革的重要内容.本文以我国税收征税成本现状为依据,探寻了税收征税成本的理论根源,剖析了当前影响税收征税成本与效益的因素,提出了降低税收征税成本与提高税收效益的思路
Constructs the well-off society, constructs the harmonious land taxrequest tax affairs department practically follows "the government bylaw, fairly, the civilization, the benefit" the new time to govern thetax thought, establishes the science strict tax revenue taxationsystem, the realization tax affairs manages "" extensively by to "isintensive" the transformation, reduces the tax revenue cost and theenhancement taxation benefit lists as the deepened tax revenuetaxation reform important content. This article take our country taxrevenue taxation cost present situation as the basis, had inquiredabout the tax revenue taxation cost theory root, analyzed the currentinfluence tax revenue taxation cost and the benefit factor, proposedreduces the tax revenue taxation cost with to enhance the tax revenuebenefit the mentality
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