谁知道 why do people commit crimes what causes are especially important why?
谁知道 why do people commit crimes what causes are especially important why?
There are many reasons people commit crime.Here are some thoughts.a.Some do it on the spur of the moment because the opoportunity afforded it.b.Some commit crime because they have made a conscous descision to make being a crimminal their lifestyle.For many this descision was made in their pre-teen or early teen years.c.Some commit crime because of the addiction that they have causes them to commit crime to feed the habit.d.Some commit crime because that is the normal lifestyle that they have been raised in all their life.e.Some commit crime because they need to do it to fit in with the group they have chosen to associate themselves with - a gang.f.Some commit crime in the passion of the moment because they have allowed their emotions to take charge of their actions.
Many who commit crime either have not thought of the consequences of their actions or think that they are too smart to get caught.They also may have minimized the consequences.
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