Lanzhouwill meet a short tourist off-season from next week
After a busy summer vacation, the surge oftourists crowd in the airport and railway station gradually eased. From nextweek, a short tourist off –season in September will come to railway、highway and civil aviation.
Before National Day, the tickets from thetrains which start from Lanzhou station are enough, even some of them can notbe sold out. The price of air tickets will have one or two discount in Zhongchuanairport; at the mean time, the tourist routes’ price may have a slight decline.But during National Day, the railway、highway and civil aviation will have a busy time. Boththe local route and the remote route will meet another peak.
Therefore, it is a good time for citizens totake a trip during the ten days.Though,as the weather turns cool and a largetemperature difference day and night, citizens must pay attention to keep warm.
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