This morning,I went to Vegetable market with my wife.We always go to same place to shopping.Here's the thing,(this is how it happened) one day,my wife met a woman at food market,The woman's old home in the He nan,so after the woman realize we were Shaxi people,she said we were half old lad.finally,every time we go to shopping over there,she always give us a discount.
This evening,I gave my father a call and ask him some question about my family,because I have seen a news about temperature in beijing and Be jing's temperature have rise to 40.6,and one woker put a egg in the road,a little while,the egg have done,after the call has been put through,my father told me,there is very hotter and It seldom rains there,a few days ago,it have a less rain and that rain didn't even got wet the land.then I told my father look after his health and my mother's and sunstroke prevention,then I finished the call.
楼主我直接在原文改你对照着看好不好~有些冠词和形容词不是很合适~我把更改的地方打出括号来~并标上序号~以便讲解~This morning,I went to Vegetable market with my wife.1.(We always go shopping on the same pla...
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