求一英语作文!题目是;1、近年来,电话越来越普及 2、随著电话的普及,人们越来越不愿意写信.3、我认为电话会/不会取代书信,急,
求一英语作文!题目是;1、近年来,电话越来越普及 2、随著电话的普及,人们越来越不愿意写信.3、我认为电话会/不会取代书信,急,
Will Phones Kill Letter Writing
Today,more than ever before,we depend on the expediency brought about by such modern devices as phones.As a result,when we feel the need to communicate with friends,instead of picking up the pen to set down to serious writing,we pick up the phone.Indeed,we speak so much and write so little that some people begin to suspect that phones will kill letter writing.However widely used it is today,the phone will not take the place of letter,for both phone and letter writing have respective functions to perform.
There are at least two reasons,as far as I am concerned,why this will not happen.For one thing,although phones admittedly have already taken over many roles traditionally played by the letter,there are certain areas such as commercial transactions and legal correspondence,in which black and white sincerity and confirmation is still a must.For another,in no way can a quick phone conversation convey and accomplish as much as a deliberate,well worded letter does.For instance,there seems to be no better device than letter writing to express deep,heart-felt,profound love,a fact underlined by the enormous love letters of great men and women.
As we know,in the 1960’s,there had been so much talk that TV would kill newspapers.And it has never happened.Today we are in a similar situation.We can be certain,for the reasons discussed above,that letter writing is irreplaceable
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