新概念英语第二册 summary writing 73
新概念英语第二册 summary writing 73
lesson 72 A car called Bluebird
Sir Malcolm Compbell set up a land-speed record in 1935 driving a car called Bluebird,which had been specially built for him.His average speed was incorrectly declared to be 299 miles per hour,but this mistake was corrected later.He had averaged 301 miles an hour.Years later,his son,Donald,also broke a record and his car was also called Bluebird.
Lesson 73 The record holder
A boy who played truant travelled 1,600 miles.He hitchhiked to Dover where he slept in a boat,only to find himself in Calais the next morning.A lorry driver gave him a lift and something to eat,and the boy got off near Paris.He stopped another car but,instead of being taken to Paris,he was taken to Perpignan on the French-Spanish border.After being picked up by a policeman,he was sent home by the local authorities. (80 words)
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