短文填空 Yancheng is a city in the n____ of jiangsu.
短文填空 Yancheng is a city in the n____ of jiangsu.
many endangered birds in the futIt's famous for its wetlands.The biggest wetland there has an a____ of more than 450,000 hectares.It's a perfect s____ for many endangered birds.There are 590 kinds of insects and 490 kinds of p____ in the wetland.They p_____ birds with enough food.As many as 379 kinds of birds live there,i_____ red-crowned cranes.Every winter,up to 1,200 red-crowned cranes stay there.Wetlands are not only homes for birds and animals,they can also p_____ disasters.For e_____,when there is too much rain,wetlands can hold water.Then there will be fewer f______.Scientists say we must protect our wetlands.If we don't,it will be i______ to see many endangered birds in the furture.
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