Reality 求翻译
Reality 求翻译
Met you by surprise I didn't realize
That my life would change forever
Saw you standing there
I didn't know I cared
There was something special in the air
Dreams are my realize
The only kind of real fantasy
Illusions are a common thing
I try to live in dreams
It seems as it's meant to be
Dreams are my reality
A different kind of reality
I dream of loving in the night
And loving seems a night
Althoughj it's only fantasy
If you do exist honey don't resist
Show me a new way of loving
Tell me that to do show me what to do
I feel shomething special about you
Dreams are my reality
A wonderous world where I like to be
Illusions are a common thing
Try to live in dreams
Although it's only fantasy
Dreams are my reality
I like to dream of you close to me
I dream of loving the night
And loving you seem try
Perhaps that's my reality
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