Every year between one and two hundred thousand people get hurt and several thousand peopledie on the roads in Great Britain.These people get hurt or die in road accidents.
There are rules to make the roads safe,but people do not always obey the rules.They are careless.If everybody obey the rules,the roads will be much safer.How can we make the roads safer?
Remember this rule .in Great Britain,traffic keep to the left.Cars,buses and bikes must all keep tp the left sided of the road.In most other countries traffic keep to the right hand side of the road.
Before crossing the road ,stop and look both ways.Look right,look left and then look right again.Then,if you are sure that the road is clear,it is safe to cross the road.If you see small children,very old people or blind people waiting to cross the road,it is kind and polite to offer to help them to cross the road in safety.
we must teach young children to cross the road safely.We must always set a good example
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