

George and his wife Marge go to the State Fair every year.Every year George would say,"Marge,I'd like to ride in that plane."
And every year Marge would say,"I know,George,but that plane ride costs ten dollars,and ten dollars is ten dollars."
This year George and Marge go to the State Fair,and George says,"Marge,I'm 71 years old .If I don't ride that plane this year,I may never get another chance ."
Marge answers,"George,that plane ride costs ten dollars,and ten dollars is ten dollars."
The pilot(飞行员) is bored to hear the argument once a year ,and he says ,"I'll give you a chance .I'll take you both up for a ride .If you can stay quiet for the whole ride and not say one word ,I won't ask you to pay for it ,but if you say one word ,it's ten dollars ."
George and Marge agree and up they go.The pilot does all kinds of twists and turns,roils and dives,but not a word is heard.He does all this over again,but still not a word.They land and the pilot turns to George,"I did everything I could think of to get you to call out,but you didn't."
George answers,"Well,I was going to say something when Marge fell out of the plane,but ten dollars is ten dollars."
阅读以上短文,完成下面的表格 :
1.Does George want to fly very much?_________________
2.How often do George and Marge go to the State Fair ___________________
3.What does Marge think of the plane ride ______________________
4.What does the pilot want them to do on the plane ______________
5.Who thinks more of money,George or Marge _______________
Does George want to fly very much?___________ yes
2.How often do George and Marge go to the State Fair ___________________every year
3.What does Marge think of the plane ride ______________________expensive
4.What does the pilot want them to do on the plane ______________call out
5.Who thinks more of money,George or Marge _______________both


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