Hurricane(飓风) Babette reached the northeastern United States today and caused death and destruction everywhere.The killer storm carried winds of 135 miles per hour.The high winds and heavy rains,together with the force of the Atlantic Ocean,created extremely dangerous waves.It is not yet known how many people died or were hurt in this storm,but it is said that the numbers will be very high.The damage to homes,business and crops will run into billions of dollars.Now that the storm is over,the long,slow rebuilding will begin.
· With the arrival of the tornado season,the National Weather Service is again telling people how to protect themselves from these deadly storms.The winds from tornadoes are the most violent winds on earth.They can blow up to 400 miles per hour.A tornado looks like a funnel(漏斗).It is also very loud.It may sound like a train coming at you.In fact,the winds from a tornado can pick up a train and throw it around.If a tornado is seen in your area,it
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