Nearly every parent says that we never grow up. In fact,we are maybe 16 or 17 years old.In their eyes,we are always little ones and always do wrong things.For example,when I need to stay at home alone,they always worry about me and my life without them.
Most parents always think that they have offered the best things they can to make their children live in a comfortable world.They buy their children pretty clothes,cool shoes,expensive school things,and often a thousand-yuan-cost bike.They think that they have done everything that they can for their dear children.In return,they only want their children to get good results in the examinations.
But why their children still can’t understand them?Does it mean that they still want more material (物质的) things?No.As a matter of fact,what they want is a true family. What does a true family mean?I think it means a place whe
what do parents always think of their children?(In their eyes,we are always little ones and always do wrong things.)what do parents want from their children?(In return,they only want their children to...
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