reading dictionaries is more interesting than reading some dull novels?
reading dictionaries is more interesting than reading some dull novels?
I found that reading dictionaries is more interesting
than reading some dull novels that we sometimes call
"classical".I have never been to outside world,I
learn western knowledge only from books and indirect
media.up to now,I still can't think in western way
of thinking which I found is unsurmontable barrier
for me to cross.reading dictionaries is quite
different experience,I can enjoy the beauty of
words and its differenct usages,but reading
novels needs a lot of preparations,first,you
should have some ideas of foreign cultures and
you should know deep background and history
behind the stories,sometime you have to know
a little bit of the Bible which will help you
understand their quere insights about the
attitude of life and doing things.secondly,
you have to go abroad in order to know
nuince of different shade of life.all in all,
there are many things to learn behind the
novels you read.
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