Well,imagine that you are one of sixteen people in a lifeboat designed to hold only thirteen people.
Well,imagine that you are one of sixteen people in a lifeboat designed to hold only thirteen people.As the sea becomes rougher,it is clear to all of you in the boat that the boat will sink unless at least three people get out- jump overboard.Chances are that the people who go overboard will die- from drowning,shark attack,or the cold.So how would you determine who stays in the boat and who must go?Who should be given a chance to live and who must take their chances in the sea?What criteria should be used to make these decisions and who should make them?Should women,children,and married men always be saved first?Maybe you think that each person should be regarded as equal to every other person?In that case,the only fair method of decision would be some sort of a lottery?请英语好的帮忙翻译一下,
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