本人在澳洲读大学,有道Business Law的case急需解答,
本人在澳洲读大学,有道Business Law的case急需解答,
Jane decides to go on the Katoomba cable car.She pays for her ticket at the ticket
box at the entrance to the office,and proceeds through the office.As she is lining
up for her ride,she notices a large sign placed near the ride which states that the
operators of the cable car are not responsible for any damage or injuries however
caused through accident,an act of God or negligence.However,she proceeds
onto the ride.Because of the negligence of the operator in guiding people into the
car,she falls and is injured.She claims damages for the injuries sustained.
• Could the cable car operators disclaim liability?
• Would it make a difference if she did not see the sign?
...that about entry the contract under thecondition or not
Q1:no/ cause jane saw the notices after she bought the ticket though office which means jane been noticed the possible danger after she entry the contract with amusement park.Once jane paid the ticket fee to office that means legally jane blindly entered the contract with another party without any 'dangerous warning'
Q2:no/ the sign will be there doesnt matter wether she see it or not
很早之前读的了 应该这样吧?.也不是很确定
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