That day i looked in the mirror and asked myself ,"why am i acting as my friend
That day i looked in the mirror and asked myself ,"why am i acting as my friend
That day i looked in the mirror and asked myself ,"why am i acting as my friends want me to and not how i want to?"
I realized i had to change .So i started dressing ,acting and laughing as i liked.
To my surprise ,i found that people liked me more when i acted as i wanted to rather than when i acted as my friends wanted .
That experience taught me that you always have to believe yourself.
It doesn't matter if you wear the latest clothes or shoes .What really matter is who you are and what you think of others.
If everyone tries to act like each other .life would be boring .Everyone would dress the same ,look the same and talk same .
To have fun in life ,everyone should be themselves .
Everyone has something special in them that they need to show to the world .They shouldn't try to cat like their friends.
Why didi
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