奥运体育英语短文 myfavourite olympic sport
奥运体育英语短文 myfavourite olympic sport
My favourite Olympic sport is water ballet.Water ballet is also known as synchronized swimming.Water ballet is part of the synchronized swimming among popular Olympic sports.It is an Olympic sport that mixes swimming with ballet and gymnastics,and includes diving,stunts,lifts,and endurance movements.
I'm very crazy about women's water ballet.Not surprisingly,I have studied its history thoroughly.Water ballet,the synchronized swimming didn't become an Olympic sport until 1984,when both duets and teams of four to eight swimmers were allowed to compete.
Why do I like water ballet?First of all,I am a good swimmer and diver.Therefore,I am interested in all kinds of Olympic swimming sports.Especially,I am fond of water ballet for two reasons - the fabulous movements and those sexy and beautiful female swimmers.Hehe
Most importantly,I like the great music and their fabulous performance in water ballet.When I watch this Olympic sport,I can learn their professional techniques in swimming.For example,swimmers' performance is evaluated based on a series of predetermined elements,such as execution of strokes and transitions,difficulty,and synchronization.Arm sections and figures,similar to those of figure skating,are also required,and all elements must be presented in a specific order.Because synchronized swimming routines require exceptional breath control,judges also take into consideration the ability of the swimmers to preserve the illusion of effortlessness while holding their breath for up to two minutes.
Last and certainly not least,water ballet is my most favourite Olympic sport.I like water ballet best among all kinds of water sports.Not only am I attracted to their fabulous movements in the water,the energy in the music,their beautiful,sexy and healthy figures also bring me an ultimate hearing and visual pleasure!
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