specific accurate denifite如何区分这三个单词啊?请知道的人回答,
specific accurate denifite如何区分这三个单词啊?请知道的人回答,
1.having a special application,bearing,or reference; specifying,explicit,or definite:to state one's specific purpose.
2.specified,precise,or particular:a specific sum of money.
3.peculiar or proper to somebody or something,as qualities,characteristics,effects,etc.:His specific problems got him into trouble.
4.of a special or particular kind.
5.concerned specifically with the item or subject named (used in combination):The Secretary addressed himself to crop-specific problems.
6.Biology .of or pertaining to a species:specific characters.
7.Medicine/Medical .
a.(of a disease) produced by a special cause or infection.
b.(of a remedy) having special effect in the prevention or cure of a certain disease.
8.Immunology .(of an antibody or antigen) having a particular effect on only one antibody or antigen or affecting it in only one way.
9.Commerce .noting customs or duties levied in fixed amounts per unit,as number,weight,or volume.
10.Physics .
a.designating a physical constant that,for a particular substance,is expressed as the ratio of the quantity in the substance to the quantity in an equal volume of a standard substance,as water or air.
b.designating a physical constant that expresses a property or effect as a quantity per unit length,area,volume,or mass.
11.something specific,as a statement,quality,detail,etc.
12.Medicine/Medical .a specific remedy:There is no specific for the common cold.
— adj
1.faithfully representing or describing the truth
2.showing a negligible or permissible deviation from a standard:an accurate ruler
3.without error; precise; meticulous
a.(to n significant digits) representing the first n digits of the given number starting with the first nonzero digit,but approximating to the nearest digit in the final position:since π = 3.14159…,the approximation 3.1416 is accurate to 5 significant digits.
b.(to n decimal places) giving the first n digits after the decimal point without further approximation:π = 3.1415 is in this sense accurate to 4 decimal places
1.clearly defined or determined; not vague or general; fixed; precise; exact:a definite quantity; definite directions.
2.having fixed limits; bounded with precision:a definite area.
3.positive; certain; sure:It is definite that he will take the job.
4.defining; limiting.
5.Botany .(of an inflorescence) determinate.
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