The whole subject of Black English is so tied up with both racism and good intention that it rarely is discussed calmly,even by specialists in the field.At one extreme is the racist,conscious or unconscious,who attributes black speech to some physical characteristic like thick lips or a large tongue; he is certain that it is inferior speech and that it must be eradicated.At the other extreme is the well-intentioned liberal who denies that he detects much of a departure from white speech; he regards Blace English as simply a southern United States dialect,and he is likely to attribute any departure from white speech to the black’s educational deprivation.Both views are wrong.Black English’s radical departure from Standard English has nothing to do with the anatomy of race or with educational deprivation.The history of the English spoken by New World blacks shows that it has been different from the very beginning,and that it is more different the farther back in time one goes.Of
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