有没有语法错误 如果有 怎么改
有没有语法错误 如果有 怎么改
1.teacher should arouse students interest in general subject from activity and according to the specific conditions of students’ ability and interests
as well as the university's provisions
2.In brief,our university should strengthens
key basic major courses while increasing featured courses and optional courses,
and encourages students to take courses for general education.
1.第一句全文是这样的。前面没打完全teacher should arouse students interest in general subjects from activity and according to the specific conditions of students’ ability and interests as well as the university's provisions,it approves students' applications for taking double degree or minor
1.Teachers should arouse students‘ interest in general subjects through involving them in different activities based on the students’ ability and interests.
as well as the university's provisions
2.In brief, our university should strengthen the key basic courses while offering more characteristic courses and optional courses, and encourage students to take courses for general education.
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