do 10,20 or 30 years later?Let's just close our eyes and think
Genetic Engineering
Cenetic engineering will help us create the perfect human.Babies will grow up to do slam dunks like Yao Ming or look like Cecilia Cheung.
Also,we will be able to mix( 杂交) plants and animals But do you want your dog to be a tree?
The Dead
In the future,we will be able to bring the dead back to life.Then each family can meet and talk
with its dead family members.It will be like living with ghosts.
On television people will see Albert Einstein,Marilyn Monroe,Confucius,Elvis Presley,and
Shakespeare talking with each other!
Long-Iiving People
Over the next 20 t0 50 years,it will become harder to tell the difference between human and machine.All body parts will be replaceable.We will then be able to make fake (假的) people.
We will make a copy of ourselves,so we will appear to be alive long after we are dead.A few
decades later,people will find ways to transfer (转移) their spirit (精神 ) to the new body.
We will be able to build nanobots (纳米机器人) to travel through our body.Also,nanobots will be
used when we are sick.
For example,when we have a stomachache,we will swallow a very small robot and it will travel
through our stomach,taking video of what's happening there.Then we can show the video to help the doctor diagnose (诊断) our problem.
Computers help us
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