Every day we learn in the classroom,one will be able to see the rise of "hard-compliance,respecting teachers,the school loved" the school motto.However,whether or not we thought of ourselves in the end there is not really to "respect for the teaching profession," This is it?
Against teachers,it is easy to think of Confucius,the blind writer Helen Keller,etc.,they can be called Jesus Christ师表,name and good will贤相coexistence,go down in history.And tens of thousands who work in the spirit of open country on the teachers,only because they do not have a celebrity or a great man as the magnificent achievements of their efforts and not known by the conviction on the praise.They work hard,and in the hot sun,in heavy rain,the yield of fruit are also sweet fruit acid fruit,when the community in enjoying the fruits of them,please remember them!
The glorious work of the great teachers,has been affirmed and accepted by people."Village of female teachers," "Spring," "love education" and "last lesson" in the image of teachers has been etched into the hearts of people.However,the aesthetic perspective of a difference there:in a certain distance apart are better things from a closer,it is the one thing.Hence,many people are willing to engage in the profession,does not include teachers.Actually,the flowers and the gardener is珠联璧合,solidarity,but as a result of teachers and students meet every day,a short distance,and many students of teachers not "to love each other." We are in the habit of "师表" standards of teachers,and teachers if not expected,as there are imaginative power,some people will be surprised and even ridicule.I think that teachers are not Superman,but also by no means inferior.As a result of the work of the teachers are real people,not drawings or machine tool life,therefore,teachers have their special work stand,I am afraid not very well understood.
Rostrum,the eyes of a teacher's Temple,no longer rostrum than the deprivation of the rights of teachers but also feeling sad and a shame.I am the teacher,but also will not easily give up the podium.Sick leave揣着single rostrum,not advanced in school stories,such a thing as too much.The reasons why,as a female teacher said,real simple:"I am playing a sweater,do not want to let others to play a few half-way into the needle,because everyone is different elastic gesture." This is the case,365 a year days,regardless of heat or ice cool winter day,the thought of waiting for the class of five looking for a dozen students,teachers will always try to remove all obstacles.A rostrum,he must forget all the pain of all this,the only student in his mind at the moment.Their precious youth to dedicate the podium,in the re-diploma today,they do not have the energy nor time to enjoy the book and then group earned higher diploma,teacher's own ability and experience,the kind of professionalism more than Diploma no life!
Let us cherish this wonderful time and treasure to get along with teachers every day.
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