[00:01.99]Tire Swing
[00:04.51]Kimya Dawson
[00:09.12]I took the Polaroid down in my room
[00:13.11]I'm pretty sure you have a new girlfriend
[00:17.17]It's not as if I don't like you
[00:20.93]It just makes me sad whenever I see it
[00:25.56]'cause I like to be gone most of the time
[00:29.60]And you like to be home most of the time
[00:33.67]If I stay in one place I lose my mind
[00:37.89]I'm a pretty impossible lady to be with
[02:42.43][01:41.74][00:42.74]Joey never met a bike that he didn't wanna ride
[02:46.39][01:45.78][00:46.25]And I never met a Toby that I didn't like
[02:51.11][01:50.17][00:50.78]Scotty liked all of the books that I recommended
[02:55.44][01:54.71][00:55.37]Even if he didn't I wouldn't be offended
[01:06.96]I had a dream that had to drive to Madison
[01:10.97]To deliver a painting for some silly reason
[01:15.22]I took a wrong turn and ended up in Michigan
[01:19.62]Paul Baribeau took me to the giant tire swing
[01:24.21]Gave me a push and he started singing
[01:28.28]I sang along while I was swinging
[01:32.85]The sound of our voices made us forget everything
[01:37.29]That had ever hurt our feelings
[01:59.33]wouldn't be offended
[02:06.86]Now I'm home for less than twenty-four hours
[02:11.26]That's hardly time to take a shower
[02:15.46]Hug my family and take your picture off the wall
[02:19.82]Check my email write a song and make a few phone calls
[02:24.09]Before it's time to leave again
[02:28.53]I've got one hand on the steering wheel ,One waving out the window
[02:33.26]If I'm a spinster for the rest of my life
[02:37.81]My arms will keep me warm on cold and lonely nights
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