求一首英文诗,关于Romeo and Juliet,从Romeo角度写的.
求一首英文诗,关于Romeo and Juliet,从Romeo角度写的.
使用英文诗的格式(Ex:sound devices,figurative language...),最少20行,
To My Beloved Juliet:
My love for your very passionBurns deeply within my soulWaiting for your touchYour lovely,beautiful skinGentle as the new born roseBlooming brightly,eternallyFilling my heart with holy bliss
The beauty of your eyesStaring deep into mineTelling the truth of our love without wordsThe very caress of your soft lustful lips Pressed against mineOnly to form a kiss of love unspoken
An angel brought forth from the heavens aboveMore lovely than any goddess a man could ever dream ofYour voice plays in my headAn enchanting melodyRefreshing my heartMusic so bright it can be seen In the darkest shadow of depression
For you are the only woman I could ever loveIn life or in deathMy love will forever follow youAn oath I will eternally keep
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