Dear Ram,
Thank you for your concern about the construction of Hainan International Tourism Island
The construction of Hainan International Tourism will attract more tourists everyear,and it will develop the tourism.Many people in Hainan has not got good jobs ,but this construction can offer more jobs.
Our Hainan is a wonderful city,after this construction,Hainan has became more and more beautiful.Besides,the traffic in our city has been better now.It goes with out saying that Hainan is reallly like a big garden,and as the matter of fact,in my opion,Hainan is the most pretty place in the world.Do you want to take a journey to Hainan,my friend?
Dear Ram, Thank you for your concern about the construction of Hainan International Tourism Island The construction of Hainan International Tourism will attract more(没有比较的用many要好些)...
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