能帮我改改下面的英文段落么 语法什么的 这是我的毕业演讲稿,

能帮我改改下面的英文段落么 语法什么的 这是我的毕业演讲稿,

能帮我改改下面的英文段落么 语法什么的 这是我的毕业演讲稿,
Mom,dad,grandma,and grandpa,thank you for all your give and love.I wouldn’tforget what dad had told me the night before submitting high-school willingnesspapers that “That is all we can help,you’re the master of rest of your life.”I know that you’ve paid for my willfulness.I know that you’ve sacrificed a lotfor my study.I know that when you blamed me for choosing studying abroad wasjust because you want me to stay.I’m always a little girl in your eyes.Nonetheless,please trust me and let me hold the ticket you gave it to me to seek the futureI want,so does my life.
No.13 High School furnished me of a life differsfrom senior high school.There are numerous of memories we obtained from theactivities we took as Class 14 a whole team in past three years,which are muchmore precious than the glories.Indeed,it do had the unhappy parts,but theseparts helped us to possess a high-school life with full of spunky and smile.Thank you for all the teachers no matt
First and foremost, I‘d like to thank my mom, dad, grandma and grandpa for all the love and support that you have given me. I would never forget what dad told me the night before submitting my offici...


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