Cooperation and Competition
As we proceed through life,we are faced with many types of situations.Each situation requires us to behave in different ways.In school or work we may be faced with a large project which,in order to be accomplished efficiently,demands the cooperation of many individuals.In this instance,each person must be flexible,supportive,and be willing to compromise.He is only a small part of a much larger machine.
Being competitive also has a place in life.The desire to succeed and do better than others motivates us to work hard on the job and study diligently at school.Competition is what makes playing sports so exciting.But competition has its limits.Being competitive to the point of being “cutthroat” is the extreme.
Some people say that the best preparation for life is learning to work with others and be cooperative.Others take the opposite view and say that learning to be competitive is the best preparation.But to succeed in life we must learn to be both cooperative,as well as competitive.The most important thing to learn in life is to know when to be cooperative and when to be competitive.
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