Reporter :So,Cheng,how often do you watch TV?
Cheng :Hmmmm…about twice a week,I guess.
Reporter :Uh-huh.And how often do you erad?
Cheng :Oh,I read every day at school.
Reporter :How often do you go to the movies?
Cheng :Uhh…let’s see…maybe once a month?
Reporter :Howoften do you exercise?
Cheng :Oh,I exercise about three times a week.
Reporter :How often do you shop?
Cheng :Shop?I shop about…about twice a month.
Reporter :Thanks for coming in for the interview,Katrina.
Katrina :That’s OK This is Bill.You can interview him ,too.
Reporter :OK,then,so,um,how often do you exercise?
Katrina :Every day.
Bill :Hardly ever.
Reporter :UH-huh.How often do you eat vegetables and fruit?
Katrina :I eat vegetables everyday and Ieat fruit every day.
Bill :I sometimes eat vegetables.But I never eat fruit.I don’t like it.
Reporter :All right.So how many hours do you sleep every night?
Katrina :Nine.I need lots of sleep.
Bill :Same.Nine.I need lots of sleep,too.
Reporter :How often do you drink milk?
Bill :Never.I can’tstand milk.It’s awful.
Katrina :Oh,I love milk-I drink it every day.
Reporter :What about junk food?How often do you eat it?
Bill :I love junk food-I eat it three or four times a week.
Katrina::Yeah,I love it too.I guess I eat it two orthree times a week.
Reporter :And coffee?How often do you drink coffee?
Bill :Oh,I drink coffee four times a day.I love coffee.
Katrina::I nere drink coffee.
Reporter :Well,thank you very much.
Bill/Katrina:You’re welcome.
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