几道二级英语听力题 主要意思理解
几道二级英语听力题 主要意思理解
1.you may tet to the ariport too early.
2.would you mind if i took john to the park.mr white?
-you'd better not take him out .he has a heavy cold.and today is cold.
-ok.i see.what about hie bedtime?
-let him go to bed earlier.
-yes,but do you think you willbe home earlier?
-oh,idon't have any appiontments.why?
-well,you konw i usually dong mind baby-sitting later.but tomorrow is school day,and i have an important exam.
-i see,i'm sure to be back before 9;00
why does the woman ask the man to come back earlier?(the woman is a baby sitter)
A to take care of john(我认为这个)
B th help her withher exam
C th make her have a good rest(参考答案)
hello,can i help you?
-well,i'm looking for a coat isaw at a friend's house 2 days ago.she told me she bought it here it's a long white coat with a belt,and it go a furry collar.
-you're in the right store(不是说了store吗).but all of them were sold out last friday.
-oh,what a pity!are you going to getting more to sell?
-we are ordering now.but i have to tell you teh price has gone up.
-i don't mind.you konw l really like that beautiful coat.
-they will be sent herenext wednesday,exactlyone week from today.
-okay.i'll be back next weekend.
what did the conversation most probably take place?
A in a department(答案)B in a cloth store (为什么不选这个,department 和store区别是什么)
4.i think this history is interesting,but it's very difficult.i'll never get through the reading list .
-don't worry.you 'll find the time somehow.
2 我认为也是a
3题中没说实在服装商场 所以选A商场
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