Certainly one of the best spots in the Mediterranean ,Barcelona is the capital city of Catalunya and is one of the 17 Autonomous Communities that make up Spain .It is strategically located in a very privileged position on the northeastern coast of the Iberian peninsula,along the Mediterranean coast,around 41 and 2 Its being located at the Mediterranean sea in the very north of the Spanish coast also contributes to making it certainly the most cosmopolitan and most economically active city in the country of Spain .
Barcelona is 160 km (100 mi) south of the Pyrenees mountain range and is nestled in between the mouths of the rivers Llobregat and Bes ,and the shores of the Mediterranean .It has an altitude of 4 m above sea level and has the following distances from:Tarragona (98 km),Girona (100 km),Lleida (156 km),Huesca (274 km),Castellon (284 km),Zaragoza (296 km) and Madrid (621 km).
Located in the comarca of Barcelon ,Barcelona is also the second largest city in Spain in both size and population.The city has a population of 1,510,000,but this number escalates to more than 4,000,000 if the outlying areas are also included in the count.As estimated as of year 2005,the population of the city proper is at 1,593,075,while the population of the metropolitan area is at 4,686,701.On the other hand,population of the province of Barcelona is 5,226,354 although this population only covers 7,733 km (3,000 mi around the city.
The weather in Barcelona is simply perfect - an ideal for any able bodied person in the world.What with the fact that in any season of the year,Barcelona basks in the glorious wonder of the sun.You can dine in open-air restaurants or have a drink on the terraces,by the shores of the Mediterranean sea while glowing with the radiance that only the sun can give.
Such perfect weather can be attributed to Barcelona s enviable position in the surface of the world.Barcelona 's location on the shores of the Mediterranean means that it enjoys a warm,welcoming climate and pleasant temperatures all year round.To take advantage of this lovable weather,one can locate between the Barceloneta district and the River Besos ,where the city has over four kilometers of perfectly equipped beaches.These are places which are frequented by its residents almost whole year round,without a winter break at all.Add up to that,Barcelona also has an Olympic harbor which provides excellent conditions for water sports.
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