I'm not sure if I should write to you or not,but I need some help.I hope you don't mind.
I've lived in hong kong for almost two years,but I still don't have any real friends.There are a few Kids that I play with sometimes,but they're a lot younger than me.I don't have anyone my own age to talk to.
I want to have friends but I don't know how to get people to like me.If I had gone to primary school here,it would have been easier to make friends.It's a lot more difficult tp make friends in secondary school.Everyone has their own group of friends already and they're not inerested in someone joining their group.
when I lived in Malaysia,I made friends fairly easily.However,things are different in hong kong.My classmates seem so confindent and I'm too scared to talk to them.I'm afraid of saying somethingstupid and being laughed at.Instead,I usually keep quiet,but then no one even notices I'm around!
I'm sure my appearance is a big part of the problem,I'm not really fat,but iI'm a bit cverweight.I also have very long.thick har that's tied back in big.ualy ponytail.I hate my hair,but MuM won'T let me have it cut.She's always telling me how beautiful it is.She says that if her mother had allowed her to have chanhed.No one has ridiculous hair like mine!
I'm really miseradle but I don't know what to do adout it.Please give me some advice.
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