延安,我把你追寻 象翩翩归来的燕子, 在追寻昔日的春光; 象茁壮成长的小树, 再追寻雨露和太阳. 追寻你,延河叮咚的流水, 追寻你,枣园梨花的清香, 追寻你,南泥湾开荒的镢头, 追寻你,杨家岭讲话的会场. 一排排高楼大厦象雨后春笋, 一件件家用电器满目琳琅; 我们永远告别了破旧的茅屋, 却忘不了延安窑洞温热的土炕. 航天飞机探索宇宙的奥妙, 电子计算机奏出美妙的交响; 我们毫不犹豫丢掉了老牛破车, 但不能丢宝塔山顶天立地的脊梁. 延安,你的精神灿烂辉煌! 如果一旦失去了你啊, 那就仿佛没有了灵魂, 怎能向美好的未来展翅飞翔? 啊!延安,我把你追寻, 追寻信念,追寻金色的理想, 追寻温暖,追寻明媚的春光, 追寻光明,追寻火红的太阳!
Yanan, I put you down as swift return of Swallows in locating past spring; As the trees grow, then trace the rain and dew and the sun. Locating you, Yan Ding Dong the water, locating you, the delicate fragrance families movement, locating you, the hoe Nanniwan land reclamation projects, locating you Yangjieling speech venue. Row after row of tall, like everywhere, a stretch of household appliances gem; We always say a dilapidated cottage, but never leave the Yanan cave heatable adobe sleeping platform. Shuttle exploration of the universe forever, and the computer produced wonderful music; We Laoniupoju not discarded, but can not be discarded Baotashan style backbones. Yanan, your spirit brilliant! Once you lost Oh, it seems there is no soul, how can the future of the Youth Pre-fly to OK? ! Yanan, I put you down, locating belief trace golden ideals trace warmth trace beautiful spring, bright search, search fiery red sun!
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