找一下这篇作文的语法错误 自己写的检查不出来3
找一下这篇作文的语法错误 自己写的检查不出来3
What interests me most is self-defence because I want to learn me what should I do when I am indanger and some skills when I face to soundrel.
What's more,I am very shy,It's acailable for me to overcame my frighted.
Besides,I am not strong.I think only not this course help me overcame my frighted but also exercise my body to be stronger.
I often considerate that when I am indanger,What I should do.But I on't know.So,I think I'll find answer form this course.
I ant to take part in this course.
说一下哪错了 最好告诉我为什么错了
,I am very shy,It's acailable for me to overcame my frighted.这句错了,应该是,overcome my fright 因为fright n. 害怕,恐怖, 惊吓.做overcome的宾语, frighted为形容词,害怕的,恐惧的,同样下面的也错了, because...
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